Business Coach

Coach the Person

Todd Palmer, Business Coach and entrepreneuer believes in coaching the person, not the problem–as the business owner, you are the problem and the solution.

Todd’s coaching approach is highly personalized, focusing on empowering you to coach yourself and address both business and emotional challenges. Todd helps you set boundaries and maintain work-life balance as critical to long-term success.

Watch Todd speak with one of his clients as they reflect on the transformational impact coaching has had, not just for her business growth but her personal well-being.

  • A case study. How coaching helped Kerry turn her business from growing broke, to profitability.
  • How Todd survived then thrived. A look back on Todd's own entrepreneurial journey.
  • Trust the process. Through Kerry's experience, get a behind the scenes look at what it means to be coached by Todd.

Get Started

If you'd like Todd to be your business coach and help you activate your zone of genius and grow your business request a discovery call.

Let’s meet!

As a founder, work and life are one in the same. As an entrepreneur and father Todd knows this all too well. Meet with Todd to learn how his personal experience and coaching style can help you design a life that can be turned from a dream to a reality. We look forward to learning more about you and your business!

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"Todd does a good job of understanding the business side and pulling that in conjunction with the personal side, with the family side—because relationships transcend all sides. That’s why he sits pretty high on the seat, closest to the head of the table, in the Chris Carsten cabinet."

Photo of Christopher Carsten
Christopher Carsten
CEO of Armada Law

Latest From the Blog

Read Todd's latest tips on building connection through psychological safety.

From Suck to Success

In From Suck to Success, Todd uses his own experience in professional purgatory to propel your business upward by embracing Massive Curiosity coupled with Massive Accountability.

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